For up-to-date athletics information on try-outs, cuts, and weather cancellations, please join the BCMS athletics group in Schoology. The join code for the course is JZ4M-896Q-V66DN. When you go to Schoology click on courses, right below your name on the top right click “My Courses,” then in the right hand column click “Join a Course” and type in that code. Contact our athletics directors, Mackenzie Cox and Trey Fennell, with questions.
Participation in team and individual sports not only promotes a feeling of family and belonging, but it allows students to develop themselves physically and emotionally. Students gain strength and physical skills and have the opportunity to develop leadership skills while learning the art of good sportsmanship and fair play.
We offer interscholastic team opportunities every season to:
- Safeguard the health and general welfare of the participants in the athletics program.
- Provide opportunities for the largest possible group (number of students) to participate while ensuring the quality of the instruction and the safety of the athletes, within the limits of the appropriate supervision and facility usage.
- Develop basic skills and continue previous skill development in physical activities that will serve the participant's present and future leisure time needs.
- Establish and teach high standards of sportsmanship and the principles of fair play and mutual respect, which cultivate friendly relations at school.
- Ensure that the activities sponsored are desirable; that they promote the concepts of team play as well as individual worth; that they emphasize healthy competition in which lessons are learned from both the winning and losing perspectives; and that they have educational value.
Student-athletes must meet the following requirements in order to participate:
Academic Performance
- For first semester sports, students must be promoted from the previous school year according to HCPS policy 6-4.3.
- Sixth graders are eligible for first semester sports with promotion from the fifth grade.
- Seventh graders shall be eligible for promotion into the seventh grade if they receive passing yearly averages in at least four of the following required subjects: reading/language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, and health/physical education.
- Eighth graders shall be eligible for promotion into the eighth grade if they receive passing yearly averages in at least four of the following required subjects: reading/language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, and health/physical education AND if they receive a passing grade in the equivalent of one full year of elective offering(s).
- For second semester sports, students must have passed five subjects (language arts, math, and three others) at the end of the first semester of the current school year. This requirement is for all grade levels.
Student Spectators
If students wish to attend a sporting event as a spectator, they must go home at the end of the day and then they may return to school for the event. We do not allow students to stay after school as there is not supervision available.
Athletics Directors
Mackenzie Cox
Trey Fennell